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Croire malgré certains dogmes
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782390000327 2390000320 Year: 2016 Publisher: Waterloo Avant-propos

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Nombre de personnes d'origine chrétienne s'éloignent de l'Eglise, rebutées par les dogmes. Dans le Credo, nous lisons que Jésus-Christ "est né de la Vierge Marie". Cette notion est de moins en moins acceptée. Ne parle-t-on pas à ce propos d'une erreur de traduction ? On nous append aussi que le Christ est mort pour sauver l'humanité réprouvée à cause du péché originel de nos premiers parents. Mais comment comprendre que nous subissons les conséquences des actes de nos ancêtres ? Et comment peut-on dire que nous "bénéficions" de la mort du Christ ?... La religion chrétienne ne se limite pas à un énoncé des dogmes. ll existe des raisons de croire et d'espérer. La résurrection du Christ préfigure la nôtre et l'espérance en la nôtre libère l'amour. Gérard Leroy est né en 1942. Il est avocat honoraire. Conférencier, il aborde des sujets d'histoire et de religion. Récemment, il s'est intéressé à la situation de la femme dans la religion, ainsi qu'à l'antijudaïsme chrétien et à l'antisémitisme.

La théologie et les itinéraires vers Dieu : conférences de l'École doctorale en théologie (2009-2012)
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789042932562 9782758402473 9042932562 2758402475 Year: 2016 Volume: 43 Publisher: Leuven Paris Bristol, CT Peeters

An introduction to Christian theology
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780521690379 0521870267 9780521870269 0521690374 Year: 2016 Publisher: Cambridge, U.K. Cambridge University Press

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Far from being solely an academic enterprise, the practice of theology can pique the interest of anyone who wonders about the meaning of life. Inviting readers on a journey of 'faith seeking understanding', this introduction to Christian theology - its basic concepts, confessional content, and history - emphasizes the relevance of the key convictions of Christian faith to the challenges of today's world. In the first part, this book introduces the project of Christian theology and sketches the critical context that confronts Christian thought and practice today. In a second part, it offers a survey of the key doctrinal themes of Christian theology - including revelation, the triune God, and the world as creation - identifying their biblical basis and the highlights of their historical development before giving a systematic evaluation of each theme. The third part provides an overview of Christian theology from the early church to the present.

Theologie als geloofsvertolking : historische en theologische reflecties over het proefschrift van Piet Schoonenberg
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789042934320 9042934328 Year: 2016 Volume: 73 Publisher: Leuven Uitgeverij Peeters

Athanasius der Große : der unbeugsame Heilige
ISBN: 9783805349574 9783805349604 9783805349611 3805349572 3805349602 3805349610 Year: 2016 Publisher: Darmstadt Philipp von Zabern

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This biography of Church Father Athanasius the Great emphasizes Athanasius' role as a passionate opponent of Arianism and advocate of the ideas established at Nicaea of the essential unity of God the Father and the Son. Approaching his subject from both a historical and a theological perspective, the author shows the centrality of this debate to the formation of Christianity and the Western Roman Empire. He presents a portrait of "Athanasius contra mundum" (Athanasius against the world): after becoming archbishop of Alexandria, Athanasius was sent into exile five times, and called back each time by the emperor.

Is there a Judeo-Christian tradition? : a European perspective
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783110416473 9783110416596 9783110416671 3110416476 3110416670 311041659X 3110578700 Year: 2016 Volume: 4 Publisher: De Gruyter

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"The term ´Judeo-Christian` in reference to a tradition, heritage, ethic, civilization, faith etc. has been used in a wide variety of contexts with widely diverging meanings. Contrary to popular belief, the term was not coined in the United States in the middle of the 20th century but in 1831 in Germany by Ferdinand Christian Baur. By acknowledging and returning to this European perspective and context, the volume engages the historical, theological, philosophical and political dimensions of the term`s development. Scholars of European intellectual history will find this volume timely and relevant."

Anthologie des théologiens chrétiens de l'Antiquité
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782204111553 2204111554 Year: 2016 Publisher: Paris Les éditions du Cerf

Theology at the crossroads of university, church and society
ISBN: 9780567672209 0567672204 9780567672223 9780567672216 0567672212 0567672220 Year: 2016 Publisher: London

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Lieven Boeve examines the place of theology in the university, the church and society. He emphasizes that theology certainly belongs to all of these three domains as it belongs to the nature of theology to involve itself in all three spheres, especially at the crossroads where they overlap. Boeve discusses the recent document Theology Today from the International Theological Commission which circumscribes theology's place and task in the Catholic Church. Boeve discusses how the difficult relation between theology and philosophy is typical for a Church which has difficulty with the dialogue in today's world; as well as examines the relation between theology and religious studies. Going further, Boeve offers a reflection on Catholic identity today, focusing more specifically on education. He presents four models for considering the identity of Catholic schools in the light of the changed society and argues that dialogue in a context of plurality and difference can lead to new, fruitful ways to shape even the Catholic identity. Boeve concludes his discussion with a short assessment of Pope Benedict's papacy and emphasizes the need for the Catholic Church to convert itself before it can call the world to do the same.


Christianity and culture. --- 230.22 <493> "20" --- 2:001 --- 23 <08> --- Academic collection --- Contextualization (Christian theology) --- Culture and Christianity --- Inculturation (Christian theology) --- Indigenization (Christian theology) --- Culture --- 23 <08> Dogmatiek. Systematische theologie. Theologie:--in strikte zin--Verzamelwerken. Reeksen --- 23 <08> Theologie dogmatique. Theologie systematique. Theologie dans le sens stricte--Verzamelwerken. Reeksen --- Dogmatiek. Systematische theologie. Theologie:--in strikte zin--Verzamelwerken. Reeksen --- Theologie dogmatique. Theologie systematique. Theologie dans le sens stricte--Verzamelwerken. Reeksen --- 230.22 <493> "20" Katholieke dogmatische en systematische theologie--België--21e eeuw. Periode 2000-2099 --- Katholieke dogmatische en systematische theologie--België--21e eeuw. Periode 2000-2099 --- 2:001 Theologie als wetenschap. Studie en methode van de theologie --- Theologie als wetenschap. Studie en methode van de theologie --- Katholieke dogmatische en systematische theologie--België--21e eeuw. Periode 2000-20991900-1999 --- Catholic Church --- Theology. --- Christianity and culture --- Catholics --- Catholic identity --- Identification (Religion) --- Religious identity. --- Theology --- Dialogue --- Education, Higher --- Church renewal --- Religious aspects --- Catholic Church. --- Church of Rome --- Roman Catholic Church --- Katholische Kirche --- Katolyt︠s︡ʹka t︠s︡erkva --- Römisch-Katholische Kirche --- Römische Kirche --- Ecclesia Catholica --- Eglise catholique --- Eglise catholique-romaine --- Katolicheskai︠a︡ t︠s︡erkovʹ --- Chiesa cattolica --- Iglesia Católica --- Kościół Katolicki --- Katolicki Kościół --- Kościół Rzymskokatolicki --- Nihon Katorikku Kyōkai --- Katholikē Ekklēsia --- Gereja Katolik --- Kenesiyah ha-Ḳatolit --- Kanisa Katoliki --- כנסיה הקתולית --- כנסייה הקתולית --- 가톨릭교 --- 천주교 --- Theology - 21st century. --- Dialogue - Religious aspects - Catholic Church. --- Education, Higher - Religious aspects - Catholic Church. --- Catholics - Religious identity. --- Church renewal - Catholic Church.

Knowledge by Ritual : A Biblical Prolegomenon to Sacramental Theology
ISBN: 1575064324 9781575064321 9781575064314 1575064316 Year: 2016 Publisher: Winona Lake, Indiana : Eisenbrauns,

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What do rituals have to do with knowledge? Knowledge by Ritual examines the epistemological role of rites in Christian Scripture. By putting biblical rituals in conversation with philosophical and scientific views of knowledge, Johnson argues that knowing is a skilled adeptness in both the biblical literature and scientific enterprise. If rituals are a way of thinking in community akin to scientific communities, then the biblical emphasis on rites that lead to knowledge cannot be ignored. Practicing a rite to know occurs frequently in the Hebrew Bible. YHWH answers Abram's skepticism-"How shall I know that I will possess the land?"-with a ritual intended to make him know (Gen 15:7-21). The recurring rites of Sabbath (Exod 31:13) and dwelling in a Sukkah (Lev 23:43) direct Israel toward discernment of an event's enduring significance. Likewise, building stone memorials aims at the knowledge of generations to come (Josh 4:6).Though the New Testament appropriates the Torah rites through strategic reemployment, the primary questions of sacramental theology have often presumed that rites are symbolically encoded. Hence, understanding sacraments has sometimes been reduced to decoding the symbols of the rite. Knowledge by Ritual argues that the rites of Israel, as portrayed in the biblical texts, disposed Israelites to recognize something they could not have seen apart from their participation. By examining the epistemological function of rituals, Johnson's monograph gives readers a new set of questions to explore both the sacraments of Israel and contemporary sacramental theology.


Sacraments. --- Rites and ceremonies. --- Knowledge, Theory of (Religion) --- Epistemology, Religious --- Religious epistemology --- Religious knowledge, Theory of --- Religion --- Theology, Doctrinal --- Ceremonies --- Cult --- Cultus --- Ecclesiastical rites and ceremonies --- Religious ceremonies --- Religious rites --- Rites of passage --- Traditions --- Ritualism --- Manners and customs --- Mysteries, Religious --- Ritual --- Church --- Grace (Theology) --- Rites and ceremonies --- Philosophy --- Sacraments --- Théorie de la connaissance (christianisme) --- Théorie de la connaissance (religion) --- Rites et cérémonies. --- Sacrements. --- Efficacité des sacrements --- Théologie des sacrements --- Théologie sacramentaire --- Vie sacramentelle --- Pastorale liturgique et sacramentelle --- Sacramentaux --- Sacrements --- Sacrements et unité chrétienne --- Vie chrétienne --- Baptême --- Confirmation (sacrement) --- Eucharistie --- Mariage (sacrement) --- Onction des malades --- Ordre (sacrement) --- Pénitence --- Rites et cérémonies --- Théologie dogmatique --- Cérémonial --- Cérémonial religieux --- Cérémonies --- Cérémonies et rites --- Cérémonies et rituels --- Cérémonies religieuses --- Religions --- Rites --- Rites et cérémonies (ethnologie) --- Rites et cérémonies (religion) --- Rites et cérémonies religieux --- Rites religieux --- Ritualisme --- Ritualité --- Rituel religieux --- Rituels --- Rituels et cérémonies --- Rituels religieux --- (féodalité) --- (anthropologie) --- (communion solennelle) --- Contribution à la théorie de la connaissance religieuse --- Connaissance religieuse, Théorie de la --- Théorie de la connaissance religieuse --- Théorie de la connaissance --- Agnosticisme --- Analogie (religion) --- Dieu --- Foi et raison --- Théorie de la connaissance (bouddhisme) --- Théorie de la connaissance (christianisme) --- Théorie de la connaissance (hindouisme) --- Théorie de la connaissance (islam) --- Théorie de la connaissance (jaïnisme) --- Transmission spirituelle --- Christianisme --- Philosophie chrétienne --- Théorie de la connaissance (religion) --- droit canonique --- Liturgie --- Aspect religieux --- Dédicace --- Cérémonies et fêtes --- Cognoscibilité --- Coutumes et pratiques --- Culte --- Danse --- Lieux sacrés --- Vêtements religieux --- Abattage rituel --- Autels --- Écoles --- Églises --- Entreprises --- Exorcisme --- Fêtes religieuses --- Franc-maçonnerie --- Hindouisme --- Hommage (féodalité) --- Iconophagie --- Imposition des mains --- Bals de pureté --- Inaugurations --- Incantations --- Indiens d'Amérique --- Jeux olympiques --- Judaïsme --- Marche sur le feu --- Monastères --- Objets rituels --- Ordination --- Bouddhisme --- Paraliturgies --- Possession (anthropologie) --- Processions --- Profession de foi (communion solennelle) --- Profession religieuse --- Protocole --- Pureté rituelle --- Repas rituels --- Rites d'initiation --- Rites de fondation --- Cannibalisme --- Rites de passage --- Rites et cérémonies agraires --- Rites et cérémonies de la naissance --- Rites et cérémonies du mariage --- Rites et cérémonies funéraires --- Rites et cérémonies interreligieux --- Rites et cérémonies militaires --- Rites et cérémonies politiques --- Rites et cérémonies préhistoriques --- Cérémonie du thé --- Sacrifice --- Saut du Gol --- Serments --- Transe --- Translation de reliques --- Védisme --- Violence rituelle --- Commémorations --- Consécration --- Défilés --- Don et contre-don --- Moeurs et coutumes

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